Sunday, December 13, 2009

Project from My Master Degree Progam at UCLA - " Interactive Cloth Simulation "

  Cloth simulation has been pervasively applied in film making and in-game animation.  In this project, I implemented a virtual simulation interface for users to manipulate the cloth in real-time.  The key objectives in my project are to provide users with an interactive interface to manipulate the virtual cloth dynamically, while preserving the physical morphorlogical details of the cloth, such as wrinkles and folds.  In addition, collision avoidance of the virtual cloth (e.g., self-collision and cloth-object collision) was implemented to realistically represent how a virtual cloth conform with different static objects.
[Experiment results]
-add bending force to make wrinkles more obvious and natural

-cloth-object collision

- real-time fix particles during cloth draping

Interactive Cloth Simulation - Stella Cheng

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