Tuesday, December 29, 2009

Course Project - "Artificial Life - Human behavior simulation"

A crowd behavior simulation is performed in a situation where fire outbreak occurs inside a cinema.  Each individual agent inside the simulation will decide their own escape pathways based on their local perception of the environments (i.e., agents and obstacles).  It is found that agents who do not interact with their local environment (i.e. people that are stayed calm) will escape more efficiently than those who interact with other agents.  This model allows for the dynamic simulation of different crowd behaviors in emergent situations, which will be useful for survival guide design. ##ReadMore##

[Experiment Result]
- basic group test
People belong to the same group(i.e. family, friends) should move together in emergency.
green dots: people belong to the same group
yellow dot: indivisual

- basic speed test
Everyone's moving speed is differernt according to physical situation. This simulation simulates people with higher speeds following the people with lower speeds.
speed: red > yellow > green

-different behavior models
Left model: People do not percept the environmental influence, such as other people, but just choose the shortest pathways to the exit.
Right model: People interact with environment but sometimes they become confused by others' behaviors and hesitate to be on the shortest pathways to the exit.

-resultant simulation

CS275 Term Project - StellaCheng

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